Thursday, June 26, 2014

Afterglow Playlist for June 26, 2014.

Afterglow is where I present an eclectic mix of genres with an emphasis
on Progressive Rock.

If you or your band have a version of the Genesis song, Afterglow, send
it to me and I will consider using it to start the program.  If I use
it, the band gets a link on the Afterglow web site!

I also host Thought Radio every Saturday morning and will be there on
Saturday, June 28.

Listen to WMUH on-line now.

                Show #551                June 26, 2014.

It's Erik Norlander month and I played music from "Into the Sunset" and
from other projects of Erik's, too.


7:15 am (Phase 0: Preshow)

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== =============================
Sound of Contact     Mobius Slip           Dimensionaut (InsideOut)
Spock's Beard        Waiting for Me        Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless
                                             Sleep (InsideOut)
Pinnacle             Long Black Car        A Blueprint for Chaos (Fox's

8:00 am (Phase I: Eclectic Mix)

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== =============================
Trespass             Afterglow             none (none)
Jeff Pearce          The Same Stars        With Evening Above (none)
Donovan Johnson      Morning Breakfast     Infinite Beauty (none)
                       With Grandma
VOCES8               Second Eve            Eventide (Decca)
Don Ross             Michael, Michael,     PS15 (Candyrat)

8:30 am (Phase II: Progressive Rock)

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== =============================
Erik Norlander       On the Wings of       Into the Sunset
                       Ghosts                (Transmission)
ASIA                 Neurosaur             Military Man (Voiceprint)
Rocket Scientists    Escape                Looking Backward (Think Tank

9:00 am (More Phase II: Progressive Rock)

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== =============================
Flying Colors        Infinite Fire         Flying Colors (Mascot)
Matt Stevens         The Ascent            Lucid (Cherry Red)
Renaissance          Symphony of Light     Symphony of Light (Red River)
Alan Morse           Cold Fusion *         Four O'clock and Hysteria

9:30 am
 + = By Request
 * = excerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)

Bill Fox
Host of Afterglow every Thursday at 8:00 am.
Phase 1: Mixed bag of acoustic, World, New Age, and more.
Phase 2: Progressive Rock from past masters to contemporary bands.
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Facebook Page:
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Listen to WMUH Allentown locally at 91.7 FM or on-line at:
Playlists are also published at
RSS (2.0) feed from
Atom (0.3) feed from
Timezone information - [ Winter: EST/GMT-5 / Summer: EDT/GMT-4 ]
Daylight Saving Time in the US (2014) begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March
9 and ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 2.
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SPAM because I keep the spammers out before the members ever see any
hint of it.

The progdj list is for DJs (obviously!) and band members, record label
personnel, promoters, managers, and anyone else interested in seeing
what gets played on the air. Need to find who is playing prog on the
radio? Go to the progdj list.

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